Saturday, April 21, 2018

DEFANGO: DNC Files Lawsuit against Trump Wikileaks Russia based on Debunk evidence

The DNC lawsuit has invoked the law of chattels.

One thing we do know, Perkins Coie is not on the case.

Perkins Coie must be busy with other legal stuff.

It is also using the RICO statute, which means they, "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) have no clue about the history or the man behind of RICO.

There is a whole bunch of motions requesting help with service of the defendants, I do not know why, they were making money with them.

Bring it on because that is child welfare law.

Can you smell what I smell?

It's popcorn.

Do you realize the DNC is going to have to swear to the authenticity of the emails Russia and Wikileaks and G2 "hacked" to be true to enter into the record, which would be an admission to crimes against humanity, right?

It is my belief there was a legal plant deep within the DNC and I believe I know who it is, and he trolled theses "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) to file this, as a form of self incrimination to even more stuff.

Do you realized Wikileaks has another traunch of DNC and Clinton Foundation emails, perhaps the emails for a few others, that they would have to give up in discovery?

No one is this stupid.

The DNC was trolled by an old school civil rights pimp.

Get your popcorn. 


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