Saturday, February 3, 2018

Brownback Sold Kansas To Israel

Image result for israel flagI have said for almost a decade that Kansas and Michigan were sister states in the privatization socioeconomic policy experiments.

Kansas and Michigan Dabble in Experimental Policymaking

Related imageMichigan went the authoritarian way with its Emergency Manager Law empowering NGOs with a slow transfer of powers through denationalization through authorities, because there is nothing you can do.

No FOIA.  No civil rights.  No oversight.

Kansas went the way of privatizing its actual governmental departments through UCC1s and just destroying any redress of grievance, because everything was sold out to social impact bonds, overseas, to Israel.

Wow. Just wow.

Now, Brownback has been appointed as the U.S. State Department Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, in charge of the international faith-based propaganda slush fund of USAID.

Brownback is about to sell off the United States to Israel.

Does Brownback have dual citizenship?

If he does, he needs to be deported for treason.

Courtesy of Wikileaks.


Released on 2013-10-10 00:00 GMT
Date2010-08-19 09:10:24

Alparslan selam, asagida bizim analistin cevabi ve Brownback'in Israil
yandasligini ornekleyecek bir makale var.


Senators don't work for lobby groups... lobby groups work to influence
them. They key thing is that Brownback is heavily influenced by the
Israeli lobby. He regularly speaks at AIPAC conventions and is an ardent
supporter of Israel. It isn't difficult to see who is influencing his view
on the AKP.

An example:

Brownback wants to remove the waiver in embassy law

ByA Eric FingerhutA A. November 3, 2009

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) is planning to introduce legislation today
or tomorrow that would remove the presidential waiver from the law calling
for the U.S. Embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jersualem. He announced
his sponsorship of the Jersualem Embassy Relocation Act of 2009 on Tuesday
afternoon at a Capitol Hill meeting of the Jerusalem Conference.

The legislation would call on the State Department to move the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and get rid of the waiver in the 1995
Jerusalem Embassy Law that every president since then has renewed every
six months.

The Orthodox Union praised the legislation. Their press release is after
the jump:

Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the
nationa**s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, applauded the
United States Senate for the introduction of the Jerusalem Embassy
Relocation Act of 2009.A

Since 1967, Jerusalem has been the united capital city of Israel, yet
the United States has failed to recognize it as such. The United States
maintains its embassy in the functioning capital of every country with
which it has diplomatic relations. Israel has remained the exception to
this rule. The Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act of 2009 calls for the
State Department to move the American Embassy from its current location
in Tel-Aviv to its rightful place in Jerusalem. The legislation will
also remove the Presidential waiver from the Jerusalem Embassy Law
(Public Law 104-45) enacted in 1995.

The Orthodox Union would like to extend special gratitude to Senator Sam
Brownback of Kansas for his continued leadership on this issue and for
his chief sponsorship of the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act. The
Orthodox Union also wishes to thank the original co-sponsors of this
important piece of legislation including, Senators Cornyn, Inhofe and

Nathan J. Diament, director of the Union's Institute for Public Policy

It is time to move the US embassy in Israel to its rightful place in
Jerusalem. Just as the United States locates its embassy in the duly
designated capitals of other nations, so too it should locate its
embassy in Israel's recognized capital.

Emre Dogru

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