To begin, we must first understand what a Public Private Partnership is.
What is the differenc between promoting public propaganda and public private partnerships?
Absolutely nothing as they are both PPPs.
There are no civil rights or FOIAs in PPPs and they control the cyber-infrastructure, meaning they control the how the public accesses information, particularly in this instance, public education.
C-SPAN is outdated, drole, boring, not a very well designed site for navigation, the search options suck, and it choses, without any public input, as to which federal government videos it will allow to share and even embed.
It even destroys federal records.
It has filed with the IRS as a non-profit and with the FCC as an educational foundation, C-SPAN Education Foundation.
Its mission statement is as follows:
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C-SPAN, Facebook & Twitter silencing public officials |
Yes, that is correct, you must sign in to your cable provider to watch live congressional hearings and C-SPAN, the keeper of the public record, is in violation of the FCC Educational and Informational Programming for Children Act.
C-SPAN is the only broadcast channel for Congress and now charges a fee to access live public hearings because it is a private, non-profit foundation.
That means schools, or other educational platforms for children, are banned from public access to congressional, as well as executive and judicial events, whereby manipulating their voices in the classrooms by controlling the narrative.
C-SPAN can not only block remote access to public congressional hearings, but it can charge a toll for entry, or rather access a fee through the cable providers to control viewing and commenting in real time because it is a private corporation.
In many situations, the only access to information of our government and elected officials is through C-SPAN which should have taken an oath to preserve the public record, and ensure access for children, as defined in its mission statement.
Children are persons, too, who learn from other persons called teachers, families and freinds.
No money, no public access.
Before I was blocked, I had an account for years with CSPAN where I generated clips of everything John Conyers did in congress.
I had to preserve the annals of history of his work so I did it by creating a special databases and posted up on my blogs because his staff and associates were too busy plotting and scheming on how to come up with new and improved ways of stealin' behind his back.
Well, one day C-SPAN just blocked me.
I filed complaints and contacted IT a few times, but they just ignored me until I found out that the IT people were the same people who had already come up with complex machinations of stealin' from my Sweetie.
So, now, we see Facebook and Twitter engaging in new and improved ways of controlling the narrative which is nothing more than a furtherance of propaganda for the best interests of the highest contractual bidder in the political realm.
What I mean by this is simple: The more money you pay, the greater the access one has to the public in dissemination informating of governance.
Political parties, special interest groups and candidates can now through a fee structure, control how the public is educated in public matters, which I consider new and improved propaganda.
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C-SPAN, Facebook & Twitter rendering decisions on what is worthy for public discussion by a public official & constituents |
Perhaps the reason why no one wants to talk about the trafficking of tiny humans is because child welfare fraud is intentionally extracted from public education as C-SPAN arbitrarily and capisoucly considers it not worthy of being one of its "other such subjects" identified in its FCC filed mission statement.
This would mean that any action in blocking, shadowbanning, or deleting accounts of private individuals who wish to communicate with their publicly elected officials in the capacity of a constituent is a constitutional violation of free speech, an infringement of voting rights.
This would mean that any action in blocking, shadowbanning, or deleting accounts of public officials is a constitutional violation of free speech, an infringement of voting rights.
I am a public official and so is my Sweetie.
C-SPAN sucks because they not only blocked the recording of the public record, but so did Facebook and Twitter.
How can public officials obviate public policy when the public record is corrupt?
Be it resolved, that C-SPAN sucks because it is promoting public propaganda by using governmental resources and destroying federal records (videos), in its position of a PPP, for its own inurement and the inurement of other privately contracted entities for political gain.
I believe Judiciary and Oversight should call upon C-SPAN, Facebook and Twitter for pubilc hearings regarding the issues I have just raised because something tells me they already know who are behind these Public Private Partnership transgressions and I bet they are not FARA certified.
Stay tuned because I just filed this with the FCC.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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