Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Privatization Always Begins In Child Welfare Policies

The genisus of all policy development is found within child welfare.

Privatization began in child welfare, in Michigan, which is more than just dealing with social norms in raising children.

Privatization quickly evolves to expand into the realms of property ownership, criminal & civil justice, voting rights and education as these are funded through the Social Security Trust fund, and these people want to get their hands on it, badly.

This report details just how badly these actors are creating layers, upon layers of administrations and fees through the privatization of governmental services, to generate profit off "The Poors".

I only wish the report addressed the contraints in oversight and the lack of regulation.

If the U.S. House Judiciary Committee is going to continue to advance criminal justice reform, it is going to have to address child welfare and privatization.
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