Sunday, July 25, 2010

CPS Operates Under A Cloak of Secrecy?

If they cannot tell you about their cases, then how can they tell you about their books?


Jardine: Child agency's secrecy irritates

By law, Stanislaus County Child Protective Services operates under a cloak of secrecy when it comes to specific families and their problems.

So when little Aureliano Joel Vasquez drowned in the algae-clouded water of his backyard pool last weekend, it didn't matter that his mother, Florcita Vasquez, told The Bee that CPS repeatedly had visited her home in recent months because of complaints about her parenting skills.

County authorities couldn't even acknowledge whether they had been to her home because it would have breached her privacy. So the agency's official response was that it had none.

Read more:

Shhhhhhhhhhh Don't tell the public.

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