Saturday, December 5, 2009

Michigan's Unsagacious Legislature

The following is a post on Michigan Votes commenting on Senate Bills 891, 892 and 893 on the Michigan Children's Institute authority.

There are times where I find the actions of the Senate to be so breathtakingly lacking of any form or essence of sagaciousness that I am left speechless.

This is one of those times.

Please, I would like someone, anyone, to answer this query:

Why would the Legislature champion a bill where the Court has already made a law, to ask the Governor to sign into law, thereby certifying ultra vires judicial activities?

Is it to authorize revenue-maximizing fraud schemes?

Sine die, sine die, sine die.

Beverly Tran

For those of you who do not catch what is going on here, let me break it down:

The Court does not make law, but they already did.

The Legislature is attempting to engage the Governor in unconstitutional activities.

The Superintendent is not elected nor appointed yet represents the state with more power than the Governor.

The fastest way to cover-up child welfare fraud in a state is to pass a law like this.

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