Thursday, December 17, 2009

He Is Omnipotent

The siblings in the Ricky Holland case were under the legal guardianship of a man. His name is Bill Johnson, Superintendent of the Michigan Children's Institute.

He was the man who approved the homeschooling of the children.

He was the man who approved the adoption while there was an ongoing murder investigation.

He is a man who is the legal guardian of more than 7,000 children.

He is a man who represents the State of Michigan without election or appointment.
This is the continuance of my comment to The Detroit News article on Homeschooling:

He is a man who possesses more power than the Governor.

He is a man who makes federal decisions.

He is a man who is omnipotent.

He is protected by the court yet not accountable to law.

Beverly Tran

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