Bearing in mind our nation’s challenges and the need for wise, moral, civic leadership, the USCCB is offering an electronic Election Novena to help Catholics form their consciences as they prepare for the upcoming election.
For nine consecutive days, Monday, October 26 through Tuesday, November 3, participants will be encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the day’s intention. A closing prayer for elected leaders will be offered on day 10, Wednesday, November 4. On this page, you can find the daily intentions, signup to receive the novena intentions daily by email, and download graphics for each day's intention for use on social media. Additionally, you can find even more resources to help you and your community learn more about responding to our call to be faithful citizens.
These districts are being formed as community districts, where there exists state laws, for the formation of geographic areas which are qualified as private federal contractors, under local parishes, the lower rung of hierarchy in the church, under the dioceses, where the mother is the Archdiocese of Detroit, where the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops take oaths of fealty to a foreign nation state called the Vatican, or perhaps, GoldmanSachs DeutcheBank, but, hey, what do I know?
I know what gerrymandering is in the era of modern day human trafficking.
The statues that are being torn down are registered with the U.S. Geological Survey, for global recognition of authority, but authority under what corporate parent?
This is how the U.S. is being invaded.
Praise the lord.
Detroit neighborhood names could be changed, under proposed ordinance
Historic Indian Village on Detroit's east side. This Historic District is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places since 1972 and has many architecturally- significant homes built in the early 20th century.
Detroit residents may soon get a chance to rename their neighborhood under a proposal sponsored by City Council President Pro Tem Mary Sheffield.
If passed, the proposed Neighborhood Renaming Ordinance would allow Detroiters to submit an application to give their neighborhood an official moniker or rename an existing one.
"In the midst of the revitalization that is happening in our city and as neighborhoods begin to redevelop, there's going to be a desire to want to change names," Sheffield told the Free Press on Thursday. "But it's important that council has a voice and it's important the neighborhood is also engaged in the process, too."
Across the country, statues have been taken down, sports teams have changed their names and buildings are getting new titles. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over the summer stripped the name of slave owner Lewis Cass from a state office building, now called the Elliott-Larsen Building.
"In light of what's really going on nationally, we're seeing a lot of monuments being taken down and people wanting to research what names really stand for," Sheffield said.
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A draft ordinance is under consideration by the City Council's Neighborhood and Community Services Standing Committee. Next, a public hearing will take place during which residents can suggest changes to the ordinance. After that, it will be up to City Council to approve. Sheffield said the goal is to have it pass before the council recesses in November.
One contender for renaming is Indian Village.
Resident Jared TenBrink, who wrote a letter in July calling for a name change of his neighborhood, said the ordinance is a positive development and one around which he and about a dozen other residents are mobilizing.
They started a petition this week for the application and have collected 30 signatures as of Thursday. Their goal is to get 50% of residents, or roughly 375 people, to sign on. Since the application requires a 20% buy-in, TenBrink said they would settle for about 150 but they want a majority to be on board.
Indian Village on Detroit's east side has been on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places since 1972.
In his letter, TenBrink, 41, of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi said the name is historically inaccurate because there is no record of an American Indian settlement on that site.
"If Land O'Lakes Butter can remove the American Indian woman off of their packaging, we can remove American Indian references off of our neighborhood name because the name wasn't chosen to uplift or empower people, it was chosen to sell houses," TenBrink said.
An Aug. 3 neighborhood association meeting didn't lead to a resolution, TenBrink said. But it did lead to their newsletter being renamed to "The Indian Village Newsletter" instead of "Smoke Signals."
There are some neighbors who disagree with the name change. But TenBrink said the ordinance, which proposes a formal process, may help.
"I think we can create a new identity and we can create a new neighborhood perception together. But it is still a big shock for people," he said. "That's one of the big things ... that can come out of something like this. It'll really empower communities to decide how they want to identify."
Though they have a few dozen signatures to date, Indian Village residents may be calling their neighborhood "The Village."
Still, some Detroit residents don't want to change their neighborhood name.
The idea for the ordinance came after some Virginia Park residents expressed concern when the city proposed possible name changes for their community, Sheffield said.
Some ideas included "Henry Ford Neighborhood" or "Herman Kiefer Neighborhood," Julian Witherspoon, president of the Virginia Park Citizen District Council, said.
"We are adamant about being known as the Virginia Park neighborhood. ...We have a history of accomplishments," Witherspoon, 63, said.
Witherspoon said the ordinance may give Detroit residents "a voice at the table" to express opinions and concerns.
Under Detroit city code, parks can be renamed. Sheffield said her ordinance is another formal process to now change the name of neighborhoods.
If approved, Detroiters can start submitting applications between June 1 and July 1. The person who submits the paperwork must be 18 or older.
The proposed name — either an individual or an entity — should come with an application package including signatures of 20% of the residents who live in the neighborhood; the historical, cultural or social significance of the new name; a map or photographs of the area; a summary of public outreach with neighborhood, business and commercial property owners associations.
The Department of Neighborhoods would receive and review the application — like checking for duplicates or inappropriate suggestions — which would then be forwarded to City council for approval. There would also be a public hearing prior to the potential name change.
"I think there's going to be a lot of different forthcoming possible proposals that we haven't seen yet," Sheffield said. "But we want to have an effective process in place to make sure it happens with transparency and with community at the table."
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
Hardest Hit Funds in TARP were used to target historic neighborhoods, when they were never to be touched.
Look at Russel Woods Sullivan and Boston Edison Arden Park Community Associations. The property tax delinquencues were fake, with ridiculously high, fake water bills, put on the county taxes without any due process, where ACLU Michael Steinberg, "Legal Genius"(trademark pending) ran a distraction lawsuit, with Michigan Children's Trust Fund Board member, the perpetual candidate, Rita Ross, with the help of the Two Dumb Chicks who ran propaganda ops of resegregationalistic #coloredrevolution fairies.
Yes, I am not pleasured. This is strategic military emergency resource planning crap for #gerrymandering.
Here is the new government once the foreign invasion is complete.
Families of Parishes
Here is the transposable model of #RFRA Parental Rights <a href='https://www.familiesofparishes.org/">https://www.familiesofparishes.org/</a>
Here are their maps https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Faod.box.com%2Fs%2F1xcs2dqlwi1htjjm7qh80i3d6j7se7pp
Demographics and other data stuff
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