Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tales Of The New Crown: Why It Is Not Wise To Gangstalk A Nation State - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Just as a scientist uses science, a racist uses ______ (fill in the four letter blank).

Yes, that is correct, citizenship is but a piece of paper.

Some people have four or five pieces of those different papers.

Some people have none.


The coronavirus family is registered under the seal of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office [#7.452.542] , which makes any offspring of the virus, fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S., not China.

This is just another application of Parental Rights, where Emergency Manager Emperor Pence & HIS Procurement Consortia Task Force are trying to squash in the public square, just because they are trying to slide, behind the curtain, and tweek the laws of the land, to enshrine their modern day trafficking of tiny humans, to prop up the residuals of the peculiar institution.

For example, using China as our nation of citizenship:
If a Chinese citizen is impregnated by a Mexican citizen, where the Chinese citizen gives birth in the U.S., where Michigan Child Protective Services snatches the baby by cutting the umbilical cord, places the baby in the legal custody and guardianship of an Isreali private Foster Care corporation, where the Parental Rights of the Chinese citizen are terminated and the child is adopted by a citizen of Canada, what is the citizenship of the baby?
I just thought I would celebrate the blarney of St. Patrick's Day and give everyone a mental exercise in Parental Rights during the dawning of the Quantum Renaissance.

St. Patrick was not born in Ireland nor was he ever canonized.

So, the moral of the story is, stop throwing arcane stereotyped labels because you look stupid and piss people off at the detriment of national security.

First, this happened...

Then, this happened...

Fox Business says host Trish Regan on 'hiatus' amid controversial coronavirus remarks

Then, this happened...

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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