Monday, December 9, 2019

Emperor Pence & Pirro Pervasively Promulgate Propaganda To Cover Up Procuring & Purveying Tiny Humans

I get such a tickle when Jeanie Pirro attempts to enunciate the lines she lifts from my blog.

Machiavelli stated that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

I would be flattered if she could properly pronounce the words she takes from my mouth, with copyright, but, alas, the lady does not possess the academic acumen to grasp the concept of palimpsest plagiarism or bearing false witness in her manufacturing propaganda to cover up the trafficking of tiny humans.

So, every time Pirro lifts a line from my work, devoid of any citation, which of course she could never cite, and intentionally omits the core deontological ethics I put forth, that snatching and selling children is bad, she just makes prosecution of crimes against humanity, just that much easier.

Emperor Pence has made it perfectly clear that he will do anything to conserve the industry of trafficking tiny humans, in the name of the tax exempt god.

Just ask the Emperor about trafficking tiny humans because Pirro most definitely will not and does not care.


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