The "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) have absolutely no clue of whom "The Whistleblower Protected by Orders of the Highest Authority" is.
Benny Thompson pulled the CIA card on ex-parte hearings for breaching a Secured Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) when they raided the CIA Star Chamber with their hand held personal communication devices for their foreign handlers who just wanted to listen in.
Praise the lord!
See, it is not partisan when you show your CIA card.
That means Mike Pompeo is participating in the CPS, oops, I mean CIA Star Chamber.
Is Pompeo whistleblower?
Jim Jordan should get Doug Collins and the members of the Freedom Caucus to ask Mike Pompeo in a hearing.
They could subpoena Pompeo, Adam Sciff and Benny Thompson to testify in House Judiciary on the CIA Star Chamber.
They could clarify the legal process and set precedent for the Sargent At Arms
to arrest a Member of Congress.
Oh, what joy!
Cyberchatter has it Mittens has secured the Senate Majority impeachment vote, yet, Trump continues to obstruct justice by failing to pull that IG Report from his backpocket.
Praise the lord!
See, it is not partisan when you show your CIA card.
That means Mike Pompeo is participating in the CPS, oops, I mean CIA Star Chamber.
Is Pompeo whistleblower?
Jim Jordan should get Doug Collins and the members of the Freedom Caucus to ask Mike Pompeo in a hearing.
They could subpoena Pompeo, Adam Sciff and Benny Thompson to testify in House Judiciary on the CIA Star Chamber.
They could clarify the legal process and set precedent for the Sargent At Arms
to arrest a Member of Congress.
Oh, what joy!
Cyberchatter has it Mittens has secured the Senate Majority impeachment vote, yet, Trump continues to obstruct justice by failing to pull that IG Report from his backpocket.

As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives, and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.
Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges.
Mr. Irving serves as a member of the U.S. Capitol Police Board, responsible for policy oversight over the Capitol Police Force, and is the chairman of this Board in alternating years. As Sergeant at Arms, Mr. Irving also serves on the Congressional Accessibility Services Board.
The following divisions comprise the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:
- Immediate Office/Member Support
- Protocol and Chamber Operations
- House Garages & Parking Security
- Information Services
- Identification Services
- Police Services/Law Enforcement
- House Security
- Emergency Management
Learn more about the past and present Sergeants at Arms on the History, Art & Archives website.
Contact information for the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:
Internal Website for the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:
The Office of the Sergeant at Arms maintains an internal website that is only accessible from inside the House campus.
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson Ch... by Beverly Tran on Scribd
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