I found it odd that Devin only presented one side to the Flint Water Crisis prosecution redirection, because it seemed to weight the solution in the expansion of more Social Impact Bond human asset management Predictive Modeling Crap programming instead of addressing justice, to ensure this never happens again.
He did not even get a public statement from anyone involved in the decision or where the federal investigative is in its timeline, which is probably why there was a shake up with the Flint prosecutorial approach.
So, here are my two cents:
That is when I realized I was watching deflectionary child welfare propaganda campaign because he brought in his crew.
Is there some form of "spiritual" inurement by using his position to promote an overt public defense campaign for those who wish to "save the savages" in the name of the lord, considering that the Michigan Catholic Conference, along with its parent, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is having some, oh, how shall I say, "transparency" issues when it comes to stealin' the children, the land and the votes?
Fourth highest rate of immigration is in Detroit, yet no mention of the child trafficking, where Michigan is up there in the national top two ranking, but since you cannot take a census count of the procured and purveyed in the Michigan Child Welfare System database, SACWIS, because it sucks, we really have not verified this claim.
Michigan exceeds Florida in immigrants, so, St. Nick Scillian is pushing the new reengineering of trafficking tiny humans, Be Best, christian children's crusade, Bethany Christian, in partnership with your favorite Social Impact Bond program pushers, is implementing the corporate parental rights. NGOs.
Devin is pushing Samritas and for those economic redevelopment funds. - Public Private Partnerships.
Michigan is #1 in the nation for human trafficking.
Because we are a peninsula, surrounded by water on a major, international waterway.
Canada is south of Detroit.
Why is this financial literacy, for profit, CEO talking about 35% child poverty rate to teach this targeted population?
Oops, did I say Medicaid Targeted Case Management Public Private Partnerships by blaming the financial economy collapse in Detroit to payday lenders and "bad" mortgages?
This is a legal defense public relations show because these are the ones who were behind the bloodless war of Detroit.
Are we feeling just a tad bit guilty, Dearies?
Lenders in the UK are running negative loan rates, meaning they are "paying" people to lend money which is why this is looking like the launch of another #coloredrevolution with an official spokestoken who just so happens to go by indoctrinated available heuristic of the peculiar institutional name of "Tyrone", because TARP dried up.
"We are starting in Detroit and branching out across the nation, hopefully", so the financial christian says.
The christian children's crusade is going out into the neighborhoods, which is the insurgency I keep talking about.
![]() |
http://cardboardprophets.org/ https://www.facebook.com/CardboardProphets/ |
The christians are coming and they have military trained teams, carrying the cross with them, in their big black backpack on their backs, filled with high tech computer equipment, walking in da hood of Detroit, in search of established non-profits to highjack with promises of success, to get their foot in the doors of Detroit Public Schools, where they implement their operations, not disclosing their political insurgency agenda, deeply ensconced in their financial literacy programs, like what Devin and his friend were discussing, to teach self sufficient by setting up food boxes, under the guise of another organization's trademark, in these impoverished neighborhoods schools.
These insurgents seem to also get blighted properties through the Detroit Land Bank Authority, then set up self sustaining networks where people can live, undocumented, off the grid, where people like Lyrix, of Cardboard Prophets, can stake their honor box food pantry in the ground, with their co-opted trademark, and claim the land in the name of the lord, while giving opportunity for their operatives who are in da hood executing their secret christian mission, to be able to [sic] "be able to get a potato out the food box and eat it so they do not starve".
That is how you can tell they are not from Detroit because they have absolute disregard for law or policy and always end up with a quiet title deed in the name of some Faith Based organization.
Besides, how are you going to cook the potato is your are that poor?
This is another reason I knew she was not from Detroit because all you have to do is claim a blighted house and make it your own.
Lyrix did not see the destruction of legacies of a bloodless war, for she saw opportunity for her coffee shop comrades, who are setting strategic positions for the next #coloredrevolution being bussed into Detroit, in the name of the tax exempt god.
Detroit does not have people sleeping on the sidewalks because we care, and, please, Ladies and Gentlemen, if you see someone actually sleeping on the sidewalk, like Lyrix claims happens all the time, call the police as we are probably dealing with a mental health issue and there are services to help alot more than a potato in a food pantry box.
Perhaps, if the history of Detroit was not bleachbitted, people like Lyrix would know that we do not play that game.
So, to the my #Superfans with the super powers, I am just whispering in your ears....
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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