Saturday, August 24, 2019

What If Michigan Started Prosecuting Its Privatized, Foreign Child Welfare Contracts For The Rape Of Foster Kids?

Blue tulip imaging :: children
"It's ok. I know no one cares. They told me that one day
my prayers would be answered when I age out
of Foster Care."
Well, I do not know if these boys were charged by the State of Michigan or the County.

Can you imagine if the State of Michigan started convicting Foster Kids raping Foster Kids, or Foster Kids being raped by Foster Parents, or Foster Kids being raped by Foster Care Workers?

You can not call it child trafficking because there is no monetary exchange when it comes to a Foster Kid getting raped, unless you consider fraudulent billing Medicaid for outrageous adult levels of psychotropics to silence the screaming.

You can not even call CPS on the privately contracted foreign corporation who is the legal guardian of the Foster Kid getting raped.

Boy, oh, boy.

3 young Michigan boys convicted of raping brothers ages 6, 8

Battle Creek – Three boys who were 11, 12 and 13 at the time they were charged have been convicted of raping two young brothers, ages 6 and 8.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports a jury of four men and two women found two of the older boys guilty late Thursday of three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and the other guilty of two counts. They will be sentenced in the juvenile delinquency case on Oct. 23 following a pre-sentence investigation including psychological exams on each of the boys.

The defendants, including two brothers, were charged in June 2018.

The victims told their mother they were taken to an old garage by the other boys and attacked multiple times over a month.

Defense attorneys argued the victims had been coached.

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