Wednesday, July 17, 2019

JUDICIARY: H.R. 3239, the “Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act” - No One From DHHS Was Invited To Discuss Parental Rights Of Tiny Human Chattel

No one even mentioned that this hearing is about foreign policy, with no one from foreign policy authority there to even discuss this.

Where is Mike Pence?

Where is the State Department?

Where is Sam Brownback?

Where is Hillary Clinton?

She is the one who came up with CAPTA and ASFA in the first place.

Biggs wants to define family with demarcation of consanguinity.

The definition of family has never, ever been codified in the history of this nation, but that is not stopping the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) of the House Judiciary Committee.

No one wants to speak upon parental rights because that is what this is all about.

Who owns the child?

This is why they do not want the 2020 citizenship question because these border babies are placed under the grant of custodianship and guardianship of foreign corporations, under the laws of the States.

No one wants to speak upon the child trafficking, which is foster care and adoption.

No one, including HGB Sheila Jackson Lee will even mention the Center for Missing and Exploited Children and if they are dabbling in border baby identities for profit.

No one is discussing the States children's trusts.

What about Interstate Compact on the Placement of the Child?

What about Child Protective Services?

What about Foster Care and Adoption?

What about guardianship?

What about termination of parental rights?

My goodness the members are "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending).

How can this committee introduce legislation which addresses the children, from another country, under the auspices of the United States, without inviting anyone from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or even the U.S. Department of Education?


How can this committee even open discussions on the care of these migrant children without inviting the privately contracted foreign corporations who will significantly flourish in the construction of even more gates of no return, without even inviting them to the hearing.


How can the committee ignore the conflict of interests with these privately contracted foreign corporations, like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, or even bringing in Betsy DeVos, as an expert witness, to cognitively speak upon the situation of the border crisis?

Oh, wait, that are ongoing criminal investigation where the committee cannot speak upon it.

No one will even discuss what is actually forcing this migration.

So, the solution is to throw more money without even discussing the Immigration and Naturalization Act, or even the Mann Act, and god forbid we bring up the massive false claims and fraudulent billing to fund more re-election campaigns.

Oups , j'ai fait une bêtise!

This is nothing but a federal Child Protective Services expansion of the residuals of the peculiar institution legislative, chattel hustle.

CBP is the new CPS.

If Jolly Jerry is so concerned about the deaths of children in care of the U.S., then, how come is not a mandated reporter and how come he did not file a request for investigation with CPS?

Instead, he pumps an amendment so there are more privatized, foreign contracts, to fraudulently bill in the trafficking of tiny humans.
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