Sunday, June 16, 2019

Emoluments, Exculpatory Evidence & Elections: Marsha Blackburn Is Against Self Dry Snitching When It Comes To Foreign Influence - But Does This Exclude Foreign Information Of War Crimes?

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Marsha & BiBi
Marsh Blackburn was right.

If her colleagues did not give this Bill, The Foreign Influence Reporting Act of 2019, special consideration in debate, probably behind closed doors, considering the majority of the U.S. Senate financed their campaigns from Israeli PACs, they may be found to be engaging in a legislative act of mea culpa.

Trump may be sitting on his obstruction of justice IG Report, but it seems Putin has his own Detroit Brady Impeachment Dilemma burning a hole in his back pocket, too.

No one has ever discussed a foreign government sitting on U.S. exculpatory evidence before.

There, I just did.

Trump thanks Blackburn for blocking requirement to notify FBI when foreign nations offer election aid

Bill Clinton Iranian Campaign Contribution
U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn blocked a bill from Sen. Mark Warner that would require campaigns to report foreign offers of assistance to the FBI.

The bill from Warner, D-Va., known as the Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections Act, required unanimous consent in order to move forward, meaning that Blackburn's decision to object stopped the legislation in its tracks.

"I objected to the unanimous consent proposal presented on the floor because it was a blatant political stunt," Blackburn said in a news release Thursday. "My colleagues on the left tried to rush this legislation through the Senate without giving it a chance for the careful consideration and debate needed to address such an important issue. Of course action needs to be taken to protect the integrity of our elections, but let’s do this the right way."

President Donald Trump late Friday afternoon thanked Blackburn for blocking the bill and "fighting obstructionist Democrats."

"Democrats continue to look for a do-over on the Mueller Report and will stop at nothing to distract the American people from the great accomplishments of this Administration!" Trump tweeted.

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U.S. Partnership with Soul of Ukraine
The move comes after President Donald Trump said in an ABC News interview that he would likely take information from foreign officials about his 2020 opponents, without reporting to the FBI.

Trump seemed to flip on the issue a day later in an interview with Fox and Friends. "Of course you give it to the FBI or report to the attorney general or somebody like that," Trump said.

After the Senate decision, Blackburn, R-Tenn., told reporters campaigns should report foreign contact to the FBI.

“All of us know, if you were to ever be contacted by a foreign entity, your first call is the FBI,” Blackburn said, according to Vox. “I don’t care if it’s Russia, Norway, China, whomever.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., slammed Blackburn on Twitter after the failure of the legislation, referring to the objection as "a new low" and "outrageous."

On the Senate floor, Schumer called it "disgraceful" that Republicans would "cower before this president when they know that the things he does severely damage democracy."

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