This shit is about to pop.
Fuck you all.
According to sources from the current time, the internal report was sent to Birgitte Bonnesen who was then the head of the Baltic banking business in Swedbank. Photo: TT
Internal documents show: Swedbank investigated Magnitsky's track already in 2013
Swedbank's CEO Birgitte Bonnesen was already informed in 2013 that the bank was involved in the so-called Magnitsky transaction.Nevertheless, there are data that indicate that as late as autumn 2018 there were still customers with Magnitsky connections remaining in the bank.
In 2007, a gigantic $ 230 million in theft was paid to the Russian state through the US Treasurer Bill Browderers' corporation.
Browder hires tax auditor Sergei Magnitsky, who comes the fraudsters on the tracks - but himself is thrown into custody and 2009 is found dead in a cell.
SVT's disclosure that money from the theft has been closed through Swedbankhas triggered strong reactions, but so far the bank has not wanted to answer questions about the case. Nor did the external review presented by the bank last week contain any information about the Magnitsky case.
SVT has taken part of the contents of internal documents that show that Swedbank in Estonia already investigated connections to the Magnitsky business in 2013.
Confirmed by the CEO
A former employee who participated and made the report at Swedbank confirms the information for SVT's partner in Estonia, the Postimees daily newspaper :
- We based on the information that had been published in the newspaper. We looked more closely at the transactions. They went between offshore accounts, but it was very difficult to draw any conclusion because we could only see a small portion of the transactions. The investigation actually led nowhere.
Swedbank's CEO in Estonia, Robert Kitt, also confirms to Postimees that an investigation was made already in 2013. But he does not want to comment further on what measures were taken.
- We have many things in the house that we cannot publicly speak highly of.
Can you comment on what this audit gave for results?
- Not really. But I can confirm that in 2013 the process worked the same way, so that we went back and went through the things. What it did or did not become then is the cause of ours and the law enforcement authorities.
New report 2018
According to sources from the current time, the internal report was sent to Birgitte Bonnesen who was then the head of the Baltic banking business in Swedbank.
Five years later, in autumn 2018, Birgitte Bonnesen receives another secret internal report showing that suspected customers in Swedbank and Danske Bank have settled the equivalent of SEK 95 billion between each other, whichSVT has previously revealed .
The secret internal report also mentions the Magnitsky business. The investigation calls on the bank's management to dispose of all customers who in some way have a connection to the Magnitsky case.
"A boring thing"
The American businessman Bill Browder did not know that Swedbank, as early as 2013, investigated links to the Magnitsky case, nor that the matter was included in an internal report in autumn 2018.
- It's really a boring thing to know if it's true. Because I would have assumed that they had acted much, much earlier if they had that information.
Do you have any thoughts on why it did not make them act?
- I cannot come up with any understandable reason why they retained these customers if they knew they were involved in the Magnitsky case.
SVT has offered Swedbank to comment on the data, but the bank declines comments.
Affiliated organizations Swedbank Human Fund
When you start saving in the fund, you get a letter that invites you to choose which organization you want to support. Remember to answer it so that your money ends up where you want. If you do not choose, the money will be distributed between all organizations that are affiliated to the fund. The same distribution applies if your fund savings do not lie with Swedbank or a savings bank that cooperates with Swedbank. Then we who manage the gift department from the Human Fund cannot see who is the owner of the fund units.
If you want to change the organization that gets your gift, you call or visit your nearest bank office.
You can easily become a customer of Swedbank or a cooperative savings bank online using your Mobile BankID.
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