Thursday, February 14, 2019

Virginia Passes Bill Allowing Ownership Of One Person By Another - Chattel Ranching The Residuals Of The Peculiar Institution - Corporate Parental Rights

I told you so.

I have been telling the world for almost 20 years.

The Pro Life Movement is nothing more than a cover for trafficking tiny humans.

This is your modern day slavery, modern day human trafficking.

What they are going to do next is get "The Boys" to unleash their christian pro life propaganda psyoptics, but what they do not know is that we already have the playbook.

War crimes.

Their next rollout is going to go attack the LBQRSTUV movement, of which I typically call them humans, like the rest of the people in humanity, because they are all working together.

The goal is to label each individual based upon one's DNA and genotype, not phenotype.

 The "Atlas Shrugged" crew are the ones getting rich off the trafficking of tiny humans but are too gluttonously self indulgent to even care, as long as the profit margins are maximizing through returns.

This is about parental rights, the final roll out, because now, the corporate parent can now file for termination of parental rights.

The child welfare model is no longer based upon the arcane heirarchial classification of "race" but is now bsed upon civil debt, or rather poverty, where they are enacting the final plan of corporate parental rights for the asset forfeiture of children in the womb, utilizing the gradual switching of the legal terms of "Abortion" to mean "termination of parental rights".

You can consider this the state contracting in a Public Private Partnership to take legal custody of the identity of the child, pre-birth, by aborting the birth before the breaking of the water before the child is born unto the banks of the land.

The legal doctrine for the asset forfeiture of the child is call partus sequitur ventrum, a re-empowered concept of the peculiar institution.

 I wrote the book on parental rights. 

I was sitting at the table, writing this legislation, when these people came up with it, stole it and launched that pro life crap. 

It started in Michigan.

This is the modern day slavery Trump speaks upon, but I prefer to call it chattel ranching because it is the instant action to tap into those children's trust funds, just another part of the industry of trafficking tiny humans.

Bill to Make Babies Legal Property Passes House, Goes to Senate!

As I told you earlier this week, HB 1979 (D-Sullivan) is one of the most Anti-Family bills we've seen that actually has a shot at passing.

With your emails and calls, and The Family Foundation team's lobbying efforts, HB 1979 has taken some major hits, but unfortunately it still passed the House of Delegates this week on a vote of 61-36 where Delegate Dave LaRock masterfully critiques this bill, joined by Delegates Brenda Pogge and Nick Freitas.) Now it has been assigned to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee, and will most likely be voted on next week!

URGENT ACTION: Click HERE to contact the KEY Senators on the Committee and urge them to VOTE NO on HB 1979!

This bill will open up Pandora's Box on critical matters involving Life, Parental Rights, and the most basic notions of what it means to be a family. It must be stopped.Some are naively calling this bill "pro-life" because it will make it easier for single people and same-sex couples to enter into surrogacy contracts to implant one of the one million "snowflake babies" which have been created in labs and are currently frozen. But even setting aside the terrible public policy decision of encouraging children to be born into the world without both a mom and a dad, nothing in this bill would limit the continued proliferation of more and more lab-created human beings, most of which will be forever frozen or destroyed. 

Here are some of the terrible consequences of this bill: 
1)    Recognizes in VA law (for the first time since the 1860s) human beings as property to be “owned” by others.
  • The bill language inserts “owns”, “owned”, or “ownership” 8 times to refer to human embryos. (A new concept and legal term of art.)
2)    Multiplies and expands the commodification of human beings to potentially be exchanged, traded, bought, and sold.
  • Children are not commodities to be sold or bartered!
3)    Creates a new legal presumption for parenthood that is not tied to biology, undermining the parental rights of ALL parents. 
  • This will cause serious long-term damage to our society. Imagine the immeasurable damage to a child when they will now grow up to be told that they never had a father, or that they never had a mother.
4)    Encourages the creation of babies without both a mom and a dad
 because it would now allow any single individual to contract with a surrogate to obtain a baby. 
  • Unmarried homes create more unstable environments for children.
5)    Greatly  with a dad, a mom, and their resulting biological (or adopted) children.
  • The breakdown of the family and familial bonds is the single greatest cause of ALL of the other social ills we face since the nuclear family is the bedrock societal institution.
6)    Leads to the commercialization of “lab-babies” with no parents, which will lead to selection based on certain desired traits.
  • This will lead
 to countless human lives being created and destroyed in labs. 
7)    Erases terms like “husband” and “wife”, “his” and “her”, to replace them with gender-neutral language
  • This further blurs important distinctions between male and female and removes child-rearing from the sexual/procreational/conjugal union of a man and woman, leading to the commodification of children, and ultimately to government assumption of parental rights.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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