Monday, October 29, 2018

Cocktails & Popcorn: Brenda Jones To Challenge Rashida Tlaib, Again


The good part is about to start.

Brenda Jones launches write-in campaign for U.S. Rep John Conyers' seat

In the latest twist to hit the 13th Congressional District race, Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones has launched a surprise write-in campaign to replace former U.S. Rep. John Conyers, just a week shy of the Nov. 6 general election.

Jones filed paperwork on Friday with Wayne County to run as an independent candidate, Fred Woodhams, Secretary of State spokesman confirmed.

"We have been told she did file with the Wayne County Clerk’s Office as a write-in," Woodhams said in an email to the Free Press. "Any more detail will have to come from the clerk’s office, but there’s nothing barring her from being a write-in candidate."

Jones could not immediately be reached for comment.

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Confusion first arose in the race shortly after the August primary when Jones won the race to serve out the rest of Conyers' term while former state Rep. Rashida Tlaib prevailed in the race to serve a two-year term for the seat Conyers vacated.

In response to news that Jones is mounting a write-in campaign, Tlaib said in a statement to the Free Press she's "focused on moving forward and knocking on doors to elect my fellow Democrats up and down the ballot."

"I'm working hard to elect a governor we can work with and to take back the majority in Congress, so that I can get to work helping the residents of the 13th Congressional District who haven't had representation in the U.S. House for almost a year," Tlaib said.

T.J. Bucholz, Tlaib's campaign spokesman during the primary season, posted on Twitter on Monday: “Successful Congressional write-in campaigns generally require three things: money, time, and work ethic. If you can’t check at least two of those three boxes, don’t attempt it. #mi13”

Jones’ announcement came just three days after she stood on stage with Tlaib on Friday night before thousands of people waiting to hear from former President Barack Obama at Cass Tech High School. They spoke in optimistic terms about the prospect of the two of them serving in Congress.

“They tell us we don’t belong, they tell us to shut up, well no more,” Tlaib said. “It’s going to get spicy in the U.S. Congress” with Jones and Tlaib in the House.

“You better let your voices be heard and let people know that we’ll be representing you,” Jones said.
Earlier this month, the Free Press reported that Jones' final decision to complete the rest of the Detroit Democrat's term would come down to a pending ruling from the House Committee on Ethics on whether she can legally serve in both roles at the same time.

A ruling has yet to be announced. The remainder of Conyers' term ends on Jan. 3, 2019.

"I've reached out to additional sources at the state and federal levels to obtain legal advice and political counsel in this matter," Jones said in a statement at the time. "I want to be sure all sources are considered so I can make the best choice for myself, the citizens of Detroit and my constituents in the 13th District. I am still awaiting opinion from the House Committee on Ethics which will help me make a final decision."

Detroit Corporation Counsel Lawrence Garcia previously told the Free Press it is permissible under certain circumstances for Jones to hold both offices.

Jones' office also noted that Garcia's opinion said there are no municipal or state barriers that might block her from serving in both seats. The statement carefully pointed out that if Jones were to take the position, she would be sworn in at some point in November — close to the time that council's winter recess is set to start on Nov. 21.

But according to the Detroit City Charter, if a vacancy occurs on City Council, the seat is supposed to be filled by appointment, based on a two-thirds vote of council members.

"The person appointed shall serve until an elected member takes office," the city charter states. "The election to fill the vacant position shall occur at the next general election to be held not sooner than 180 days after occurrence of the vacancy."

However, Garcia said in the opinion that he found "no prohibition against holding dual offices" in the City Charter or the Rules for Council.

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