Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why Did The Immigrant Mother Cross The U.S. Border With Children?

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: To get to the other side.


Q: Why did the mother and child cross the U.S. border from Mexico?

A: Because the U.S. set up shop with NGO christian trafficking tiny humans operations in the regions, along with U.S. backed drug cartels, and a lot of other really bad stuff.

Have a great day!

Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring

Reports of a Mexico child organ trafficking ring emerged in 2014 when authorities suspected the Knights Templar cartel of kidnapping children and harvesting their organs for sale on the black market. Human organ trafficking is an issue in many developing countries where people are tricked into selling, and even donating, kidneys and other body parts. These organs are sold to wealthy foreigners who desperately need them.

However, in Mexico, this illegal trade took a disturbing turn when the organs being harvested started coming from kidnapped children. Mexican drug cartel trafficking is still a large problem, particularly in the areas bordering the United States, and it was made even worse when the cartels diversified into human trafficking. 
This details of how these innocent children were trapped, held hostage, and violently invaded for their body parts are gruesome and sad. Though, at least in the 2014 case of the Mexican drug cartel's human organ trafficking scheme, the police caught on and were able to save lives. 

An Orphanage Was A Primary Location For The Children Organ Trafficking Scheme

An Orphanage Was A Primary Loc... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: zilverbat./flickr/CC-BY-NC 2.0

The Home of the Big Family was a respected orphanage in Zamora, Mexico. That is until authorities raided the orphanage in 2014 and discovered that over 500 children were being kept against their will in cramped conditions.
The orphanage, also known as the Casa de Mama Rosa, had been open for 40 years. Because of the guilt around the establishment doing the work the government was unable to do, inspections of the facility were notoriously lax. This explains why when authorities finally investigated the home, they figured out that in addition to horrible living conditions, the orphanage was at the center of a child organ trafficking scheme. Rosa Verduzco, or Mama Rosa as she was called, ran the orphanage and she and several other adults were accused of abusing the children. 
In addition to the appalling living situation, children with biological families were not allowed contact with them, children were starved and forced to beg on the streets, and many of them had their organs harvested. 

Some Harvested Organs Were Likely Used For Witchcraft

Some Harvested Organs Were Lik... is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo:  Christine Zenino/Wikimedia Commons

Some of the organs harvested from children in Mexico might be used for witchcraft and satanic purposes. Bodies found with their livers and hearts brutally removed are proof of this according to Dr. Lopez-Neblima, a surgeon at a Mexican hospital. He claimed that organs that were clearly removed with no delicacy were likely not intended for transplant use. Instead, the organs were probably for Santa Muerte (Saint Death)

Trucks With The Frozen Bodies ... is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Trucks With The Frozen Bodies Of Children Indications Of The Trafficking Ring
An earlier event hinting at the increasing child organ trafficking crisis faced by Mexico involved a truck at a checkpoint in Villa Victor-Chinicuila, Mexico. Authorities searched the truck and found dozens of frozen bodies with their organs removed. Some were children and others were adults but all were dead. The story gets hazy from there as the truck disappeared after the police arrived.
In another case, a truck stopped in Tierra Caliente also had bodies with missing organs in it. The bodies were confiscated, but again, no follow-up was reported. Early indications that Mexican police didn't take it seriously that an organ trafficking ring was on the rise.
Children Kidnapped On The Way To The Beach Were In A Refrigerated Box
Children Kidnapped On The Way ... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring

In 2014, a group of children from Mexico City were kidnapped by members of the Knights Templar cartel. Their parents had given them permission to go on the beach outing with their school. The children never made it to the beach. Luckily, a stolen van was intercepted when it made it a wrong turn and ended up in the city of Tepalcatepec, Mexico. In the back of the van, the children were found in a refrigerated box. Thankfully, they were wrapped in blankets and still alive. Authorities believe that the kids were on their way to an ocean side port owned by the cartel where their organs would likely have been harvested. 

 Four Children Were Kidnapped On Their Way To School And Later Found Buried In A Shallow Grave

Four Children Were Kidnapped O is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: Xurble/flickr/CC-BY 2.0

In 2014, four children were walking to school in Mexico when they vanished into thin air. Days later, their bodies were found in a shallow grave in an undisclosed location. According to sources, the children had been disturbingly mutilated - their chest organs had been removed prior to their burials. The story was hushed up with almost no trace of it appearing anywhere. Officials from that part of Mexico claimed that there was no proof of organ harvesting in the case despite the very telling details regarding missing organs. 

U.S. Doctors Perpetuate Traffi is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: Freaktography/flickr/CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

The demand for organs is never ending, especially in the U.S. That demand has led to some doctors breezing over any kind of investigation into where organs are coming from before performing procedures. The lack of protocol and desire to take more people off the donor registry lists has led the cartel to traffic more and more. 
Children Are Preyed Upon  When Attempting Safe Travel To The United States

Children Are Preyed Upon When  is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: Geraint Rowland Photography/flickr/CC-BY-NC 2.0

Migrants traveling from parts of Latin and South America walk through Mexico in order to reach the United States. Some of these migrants are children, traveling alone, usually to meet up with adult relatives on the other side of the border. Others are simply seeking asylum in a safe country far from guerillas, cartels, and war. These kids are preyed upon by human traffickers who sell them into slavery, prostitution, or who harvest their organs, leaving their bodies in shallow graves or out in the open. 

The Kidnapped Children Are Profiled For Specific Traits

The Kidnapped Children Are Pro is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: SMU Central University Libraries/flickr/No known copyright restrictions

According to sources, the children kidnapped for organ trafficking fit a specific profile that the kidnappers look for. They are after kids who fit certain physical characteristics, such as height and weight, possibly to match organ recipients. Also, these children are usually in a particular age range: 7 to 10-years-old. Younger kids are often trafficked for adoption not organ harvesting. 

The Knights Templar Cartel Swi is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: verifex/flickr/CC-BY-NC 2.0

In America, we know the Knights Templar as a secretive organization that may hold the key to many mysteries, including where the real holy grail lies. However, in Mexico, the Knights Templar cartel only shares its name with this ancient sect and none of its noble intentions. The crime ring split from the Familia Michoacana cartel in 2011 and is suspected of being heavily involved in child organ trafficking, as well as extortion, and illegal mining and logging. Prior to this, the cartel's main source of income was in drug trafficking.
Organ Trafficking Usually Focuses On Kidney Harvesting, But Children's Hearts And Livers Are Being Removed

Organ Trafficking Usually Focu is listed (or ranked) 10 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Photo: aturkus/flickr/CC-BY 2.0

What's unusual about the Mexico child organ harvesting cases is the fact that the children are found with their hearts and livers removed. Most cases of organ trafficking involve kidneys, since they are easily removed and leave the victims alive with one functioning kidney. People in developing countries have historically been either tricked or forced to sell their organs, though they may receive several thousand dollars in return. The sudden focus on children for harvesting may be a way traffickers have sought to cut their costs.  

Child Organ Trafficking Reports Go Back Many Years To Guatemala In 1994

Child Organ Trafficking Report is listed (or ranked) 11 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring

Back in 1994, reports emerged of mobs attacking children and removing their organs for transplanting, killing them in the process. Although some people believed that the stories were made up for political gain in order to make the country seem unstable, seemingly credible eyewitnesses claimed to have seen the evidence themselves. One such witness saw a child being "caressed" at the side of the road by a woman. The child was reported missing and the eyewitness was later attacked by a mob who beat her until she was comatose. 

Very Few Feel Safe Enough To S is listed (or ranked) 12 on the list Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring

Some of the people who have lost loved ones to organ trafficking are afraid to speak out. Many who do use pseudonyms so that they can't be identified. One such person, who identified herself to a reporter as "Camila" pointed out that going to the police is just as dangerous as confronting the "bad people" since the cops are usually either involved with the cartels or paid off by them to look the other way.
A researcher for Amnesty International agreed with this sentiment and pointed out the questionable police work done by authority figures, many of whom are afraid of angering the cartels. This leads to few places for parents to turn when their children get abducted by organ traffickers. 

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