Saturday, July 28, 2018

DOJ: Rod Rosenstein Forgot To Mention Child Welfare At Aspen Institute Cybersecurity Conference, Again

Oh, Rod...

You were so close...almost there...

You failed to address child welfare fraud in election interference. 

You forgot to mention all those abandoned identities of children whose parents have had their parental rights terminated, when the States took the grant of custodianship and guardianship, that got  the kiddies new identities when they were adopted out.

Then, you forgot to mention all those kids who are ghosts in the system, or rather those under the aegis of a State's child welfare system, where these corporate parents will do the absentee ballot fraud scheme, filling out the votes the way they want, and were paid to do.

Lest I not forget to mention the sustainability issues of life for "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) who lost their voting rights due to manufactured poverty, where they lost their homes to fake tax and mortgage foreclosures through public corruption schemes, I believe you are quite familiar with, including the crumbling infrastructure of public education and access to internet.

Then, there is the suppression of my work, online and in the U.S. MIED and State of Michigan, on the omitted subject matter of your speech, because it all started in child welfare.

Hey, while you are hanging out with the Aspen Institute, let me know what they are up to when it comes to their revenue maximization schemes in child trafficking.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is expected to make a "cybersecurity policy announcement" during his remarks at The Aspen Institute's Aspen Security Forum.

 Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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