Saturday, June 23, 2018

Behind The Magnitsky Act: Казенные дети / Children of the State

I remember this.

This was the beginning of the Magnitsky Act where Russia suspended U.S. adoptions for, basically, the trafficking of tiny humans through NGOs.

At the time I had no idea of the questionable banking activities exfiltrating the ill gotten profits from property foreclosure fraud scheme through bogus mortgages, the pilfering of property taxes and other illicit biomedical activities of private entitites from Russia through U.S. child welfare NGOs, many of them christian.

I only knew about the child trafficking and the organ trade.

I even went to the FBI to report christian adoption agencies, from Africa and Russia, that were promoting the adoption of children for the purposes of organ transplants.

I was dismissed, right Julia Pidgeon?

See, it is legal for a relative to donate an organ, even if that relative was adopted for the sole purposes of harvesting organs, because it is the work of the christian god.

From both sides of the world, we were watching the U.S. industry of trafficking tiny humans grow, with condemnation and fear through the promulgation of propaganda by these NGOs.

Very few know where these "orphans" came from and no one knows what happens to them after they are adopted.

Here is a bit of a background:

Spies, Lies And An Idiot Professor

The following was sent to me from a Russian fan:

In the interview he speaks about how about 50,000 russian children disappeared in the US for organs.

Bev, while watching the documentary about orphanages in Russia, noticed the interview with Russian poet Valeri Hatjushin. He recited his poem that I found and used google translate We finished badly, we survived ... -

We finished badly, we survived, we have come, we have reached ... His house - thoroughly gutted and nothing was saved. In minds - mindless freedom. Under the general laughter - a general pestilence. And indifferent nature swallows our shame silently. Scabby rabble is mired in debauchery. And greed governs people. And whether to wait for God's grace a country that sells children? ..

He starts to speak from 41:27. He's a poet and chief editor of magazine "Mologaja Gvardija", "Young Guard"

He's part of Putin's cabinet , commissioner for Children's Rights. The journalist who spoke earlier in the video assumed that Dima's Law was retaliation by russia for Magnitski Act. I now understand that he has no clue.

However, it is more propaganda and focuses on NGOs.

Have a great day!

Фильм о российских сиротах и их праве на любовь.
Герои фильма Журналист Александр Колесниченко – единственный, кто на пресс-конференции Владимира Путина осмелился назвать этот закон «людоедским». Несколько лет назад Александр и его жена Юлия усыновили мальчика из детского дома. В процессе съемки фильма Александр и Юлия знакомятся с семьей Моррис из США. Катрина и Стивен Моррис хотели удочерить русскую девочку Леру с синдромом Дауна. Но закон Димы Яковлева разлучил их навсегда. У зрителей будет возможность услышать эксклюзивные комментарии Уполномоченного по правам ребенка в РФ Павла Астахова, представителей Молодой Гвардии ЕР, которые активно занимались пропагандой закона, директоров детских домов. А также их оппонентов – психолога Людмилы Петрановской, специалиста по иностранным усыновлениям Алены Синкевич, общественного деятеля и выпускника детского дома Александра Гезалова.

Journalist Alexander Kolesnichenko - the only one who at the press conference of Vladimir Putin dared to call this law "cannibalistic." Several years ago, Alexander and his wife Yulia adopted a boy from an orphanage.

In the process of shooting the film, Alexander and Julia get acquainted with the Morris family from the USA. Katrina and Stephen Morris wanted to adopt the Russian girl Leroux with Down syndrome.

But Dima Yakovlev's law separated them forever. The audience will have the opportunity to hear the exclusive comments of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation Pavel Astakhov, representatives of the Young Guard of the EP, who were actively involved in the propaganda of the law, directors of orphanages. And also their opponents - the psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya, the specialist on foreign adoptions Alena Sinkevich, the public figure and the graduate of the orphanage Alexander Gezalov.
Ольга Арлаускас, режиссер фильма: «Этот фильм не политический. Снимая его, мы не занимали сторону ни России, ни Америки, ни Европы. Мы постарались встать на место детей. И стало очень страшно»
Максим Суханов, российский актёр театра и кино, закадровый голос фильма:
«Я всегда думал, что законы, которые принимаются, должны помогать жить гражданам, в том числе и детям. Когда принимаются законы абсурдные, об этом не надо молчать»
В создании и продвижении проекта приняли участие: Гильдия Неигрового кино и ТВ (Россия) European Documentary Network (Дания) East Doc Platform (Чехия) Информационный центр ООН (Россия) Catndocs World Sales Documentary (Франция)
Авторы сценария: Гаянэ Петросян, Ольга Арлаускас Режиссёр: Никита Тихонов-Рау Продюсер: Никита Тихонов-Рау Операторы: Арсений Калашников, Дмитрий Иванов, Никита Тихонов-Рау Композитор: Эдуард Пургин Звукорежиссёр: Игорь Ерин

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