Monday, April 16, 2018

Day 179.3. Moustafa's Wisdom House in Little Rock, AR and Idlib, Syria, Dyncorp Again

Are we finally ready to talk about child welfare fraud?

Are we finally ready to talk about trafficking tiny humans in the U.S., Haiti, Kosovo, Syria, Libya, Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the world?

Stay tuned, it is not what you think it is, and the truth is going to be horrid which is why he only touches the subject for the first few minutes in the video.

It is all connected.

The Syrian Emergency Task Force is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization created to support the Syrian people's demand for freedom and democracy, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or background. SETF seeks to convey the democratic aspirations of Syrians to the American public, and support humanitarian efforts to assist victims of the Syrian crisis. Propaganda. They did the videos.

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