Seeing that you are in a bit of an unbalance with a vacant seat on the Commission, I thought I would lift some of your workload by thinking for you.
Campaign finance suggestions:
IDEA #1: If a corporation, including UCC1s, has signed any civil Memorandum of Understanding, incurred any civil penalties while registered through the U.S. Defense Logistic Agency, Systems Award Management, or a reciepient of federal grants, contracts, subsidies, tax incentives, or has been prosecuted, in any civil or criminal, federal, state, or local court of law for fraud or false claims, the corporation is barred from forming any political action committees or contributing to a political campaigns.
How is it a corporation can get federal funds then dump it in a political campaign with no recourse?
How is it a corporation can engage in fraudulent activities, making profit, then turn around and financially contribute to a political campaign, with no recourse?
This is fraud.
IDEA #2: Prohibit any political action committees formed through religious affiliation, whether in name or IRS designation. If a politcal candidate is not supposed to campaign in a church, then it should not be able to give money to a political campaign because the religious political action committee solicited funds under the guise of religious puposes, when it actually funds political campaigns. This includes child welfare organizations.
IDEA #3: You need to form an exclusionary database like they do in CMS.
IDEA #4: Set up some form of penalty system with a referral system to DOJ.
Ciao bellos.
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