Monday, May 22, 2017

Child Welfare Is The Extremely Profitable Industry Of Human Trafficking

For those who are just now popping in, we have a routine when it comes to children being legally kidnapped by Child Protective Services, so let's begin with the basics.

Repeat after me....

"You cannot audit God".

This statement is to mean that any 501c3, tax exempt, privatized, not-for-profit organization, which includes religious or anything dealing with children, are excluded and exempted from any form of external scrutiny, through self-reporting, for the purposes of maximizing revenue.

TRANSLATION:  Child welfare is the extremely profitable industry of human trafficking.

The following video is from 2013, but I post it for the purposes of demonstrating that the State of California, the rest of the nation, refuses to address what "lying" in a child welfare proceeding means.

It means fraudulent billing through the filing of false claims.

System of lies from Gina Silva on Vimeo.
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