Saturday, February 4, 2017

All Hail The Whistleblowers: Gary Webb

Gary Webb is the first whistleblower in this nation's history whose vehicle was the internet.

But, of course, there are those who are currently questioning my choice of material to publish, lately.

Well, of course it is all part and parcel of the child welfare system.

I am only trying to present patterns, all of which originated in child welfare, right here in the U.S.

Child welfare perfected the residuals of the peculiar institutional system of fraud, by and through the government, strictly for the purposes of profit, not for the betterment of society, and was transposed on a global level.  Selling chattel is the oldest form of survival.

I know what hate is for simply having the passion and speaking out against fraud.

I live with the shit everyday as a badge of honor because I have all intentions of being in the annals of history.

As a matter of fact, my name is already enshrined.

So, to those who enjoy the schadenfreude of my eminent demise, I already set legal booby traps.

On a mission...

Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur

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