Thursday, December 15, 2016

All Hail The FBI Whistleblowers!!!!

U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz has fast tracked one of my wet dreams!
This is not the peace sign, this is the Old English sign of
"all I need are these 2 fingers to pull the string on my longbow
to take my revenge."  In this case, it is a keyboard.

This has to be the most historically powerful piece of legislation that has come out of The Congress is quite some time.

I will announce to the world the moment POTUS signs it into law.

Let's get this party started.

Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur!

Oh, and as a super special request, could someone, pretty, pretty please, get me an Act which allows some kind of pro se provision for whistleblowing.  It seems there is an issue with "The Poors" finding and securing legal representation in these matters.

It is not just an issue of competence, as expertise of the subject matter may only be found within the hands of the whistleblower, themselves, but, there seems to be an issue with a few of those unethical bad apples barristers who will unscrupulously break seal of the writ and cut a back door deal with the defending named parties.

See, if a relator has secured/retained/whatever with an attorney to represent in a whistleblower action, even if the relator is the one who generated the writ and aggressively prosecuted in the administrative realms, in order to find alternative counsel, as the current counsel has jumped in bed with the defendant and refuses to do a damn thing with the writ in hopes of it being dismissed with prejudice, the relator must get the current, nefarious attorney on the case to approach the court and request an order to e granted permission to speak upon the case with another, prospective, alternative attorney to take it over, which of course the jack-legged attorney on the case will not do.

Whew, that was a long sentence.

And, of course, the relator cannot file any form of grievance on the underhanded, grifter attorney because that would break the damn seal.

So, my congressionally delicious darlings, if you cannot fulfill my aforementioned request, how about this one...get me an Act (yes, I am intentionally bypassing the Bill and deliberation yada-yada to the Executive signing) which allows a State to be subject to the language and animus of an "individual", because the last time I checked, a state was a corporation because Mitt Romney said so, "Corporations are people."

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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