Friday, November 11, 2016

The First Flavor Of The Trump Administration

Well, well, well, what do we have here besides a new president?

A new administration!

It looks like the ACLU has formally taken the reins (REINS, pun intended) and has made the first public declaration that the Trump Presidency is about to be congressionally challenged through the legal network, public and private.

Well, well, well, it is about damn time.

What we have here is a foreshadowing of what is about to come in the form of law and policy.

Never before have the powers vested in the Congress been, well, how can I say, "bifurcated" (pun, intended) to let loose the checks and balances doctrine and the "old school, iconic, legal geniuses" who have been salivating in the shadows of time, to put on the greatest show in the history of this great nation, to "challenge the constitutionality of the Executive Office", ya know, like, um, well, Executive Orders, and um, ya know, the other stuff ya keep saying POTUS could not do.

But think of all these jobs, high tech, legal jobs, which shall be created.

For another historic milestone, the practice areas of constitutional and civil rights law, there will be opportunity to actually make a living, which means they will start actually teaching this in law school, because what is out there at the curriculum sucks.   I am including political science, also.

Then, there will be all the databases that are being created, ya know, like, um, the "Registered-BLM-Gay-Jewish-Muslim-Nazi-Mass-Pacifist-Database"?

See, while the congressional majority is busy putting together a Bill to fund this "Registered-BLM-Gay-Jewish-Muslim-Nazi-Mass-Pacifist--Database", it will have to legally battle it, first.

Now, I am not going to specify, but the public sector will come strong, hence, this public declaration, below.

Then, let us just say if the majority will be able to find, let alone build a legal team, because, um, ya know, some of the top law firms have a history of dropping those pesky congressional lawsuits about those Executive Orders constitutionality stuff, I would, being quite pragmatic, say that, just on this "Registered-BLM-Gay-Jewish-Muslim-Nazi-Mass-Deportation-Database" funding component, oh, and the current condition of SCOTUS lacking a Justice, it may take about a year for the case just to hit for orals.

OYEZ, baby, oh, yes.

Main stream media will have the opportunity to make amends with all the horrifically filtered, asymmetrically constructed 2016 campaign coverage.

This is my public declaration, in which it is my pray that The Congress call upon these fraudfeasors, to testify at hearings, on the pattern and practice of manipulating the public record for the sole purpose of personal inurement, through the stripping of the right to vote.

The Wikileaks Podesta files contains a neat lil' list of all the anchors who need to be called in front of Congress about how their play-play distorted the historic record.

See, what public may not know is that everything the media puts out, ya %0.000000000000000000001 error rating, ya know, they were all into those sampling biased polls which would have garnered a political science graduate program grade of  ridicule and expulsion, well, ya know, is copyright, ya know, registered with the U.S. Library of Congress, ya know, that lil franking, © , federal seal which represents a constitutional agreement that, yup, "it's mine and I made money off that crap", and you idiots actually voted because of it.

Even the idiots in the Congress followed the "advice and counsel" of main stream media.

Not only was the historic, public record manipulated, but also was the honor of those who have served elected office.

Remember, the political majority, well, actually it was mostly Trump,  made sure to let the entire world know that the media was biased.

So, not only was the media biased, it is alleged it violated constitutional law in the suppression of free speech, which is another whole other legal argument.

More jobs in the legal communities of constitutional and civil rights law will be generated, based upon the proposed Trump Administrative policies introduced..

Yes, the election was rigged and .must be properly, pro forma, of course, as previously announced by President Trump, in the proper jurisdictions, <=== notice the plurality of the "s" (pun intended), of The Congress and The Court.

The DNC Sucks and we all know why thanks to Guccifer 2.0. and the NSA, and all the other foreign nationals who moving, quiet quickly towards global, economic peace via this election.

Now, look at all the possible legal and technical jobs to be created in the realms of intellectual property, which will be created through the proposed polices of the Trump Administration,


Gotta keep the public record constitutional through those checks and balance, ya know, you guys asked for through the last two terms of the Obama Administration.

People like consistency and drama, ya know.

Perhaps, just perhaps, that is why the FBI Director, James Comey, did not recommend any legal action pertaining to the Hillary Clinton, well, ya know, let us just call it a situation we are waiting to play out, because some staffers, appointed, in the FBI may have been on her proverbial payroll, which may mean that, once again, the historic record has been historically manipulated by providing fraudulent advice for the purposes of political and person inurement for the Clintons.

Leave my FBI Director Jimmy Comey, ALONE!!!

Just replace Brittany Spears' name with James Comey. 
' He is a human!!  He has been through so  much!!  We were just another Clinton victim
of lies that made us lie, again,  into the public, historic record, to promulgate  recommendations for  no indictments, even though there are multi-jursdictional, concurrent investigations on how and why Hillary lied to us.  Leave Jimmy alone!!!!  

(I love my #Superfans)

All I am saying is that it looks like we are about to have a whole lot of fun witnessing the ultimate epic battle between the political majority and SCOTUS, or .as I have to call it, "the battle of wits", where the rules are strictly: F.R.C.P,;  U.S.C, and other such codes and statutes.

No Bibles, allowed.

Remember, SCOTUS is short one Justice, which means any legislation and/or policy promoting the political agenda outlined in the ACLU public declaration to litigate, will make the highest court in the land, the one where the majority down right refused to confirm the SCOTUS appointment, docket constipated, oh, and the court's agenda, too, that ain't nothin' gonna be done in relation to the subsequent proposed policies and the Trump Administration, that nothing will probably get down during the 4-year term.

Ya know, like ya did the Obama Administration.

Tit for Tat.  That is called game theory.  My lust.  My mission.

So, to celebrate the glorious coronation of United States President Donald J. Trump, let the legal games commence!!!




"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
 "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." 
Sun Tzu, "The Art of War".
Here is a deliciously preserved recipe for a five- course congressional legal challenge to Executive actions.
BTW, I would have put hyperlinks in, but very few actually click, so, you can just search at the top right using keywords.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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