Saturday, October 8, 2016

"Fat Meat Is Greasy": What POTUS And The Dean Really Meant To Say To Congress On JASTA

What POTUS and the Dean really meant to say to the 114th Congress
When Congress Came Back From Its JASTA Acid Trip it had no idea how quickly the veto override would become the newest addiction of the world.

Yes, that is correct, the international lawsuits are coming in because we started it and Congress would not listen to POTUS or the Dean.

I guess you can say that Congress does not believe, as the expression goes, that "fat meat is greasy".

The concept of equal justice applies to everyone, like "I can sue you the same way you can sue me,"

And, "I no longer have to tell you anything because you might sue me or my neighbors" because no one likes a snitch.

I wonder where Congress is going to get all this money to defend and settle these lawsuits?

More lawsuits to come.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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