Sunday, July 24, 2016

Bringing Them To Heel: The Residuals Of The Peculiar Institution

This is a work by the artist known as Chill EB.

Instead of whips and chains, we now use chemical constraints, which are billed to Medicaid, whether needed or not.

The industry of child welfare is a perfect example of what happens when there is no regulation.

Sure, there are a few, minuscule unenforceable rules on the books to make it look legitimate, but, in essence, child welfare functions with certain immunities.

I am quite sure there are only a handful of individuals who have witnessed an honor roll child being drugged to the point of palliative care, where, if one complains of the beatings and rapes which ensued, parental rights would be terminated and the child would linger in the state of care until the age out, to live a life on the streets.

If there is be a better way, first and foremost, define better.


Psycho/pharma spends billions of dollars a year marketing mental 'disorders' & drugs for kids- proper terminology is child abuse propaganda -- yet these drugs are documented by international drug regulatory agencies to cause mania, psychosis, hallucinations, suicide, violence, homicidal ideation, heart attack, stroke and death. What's more, they are being prescribed for psychiatric disorders that are simply a checklist of behaviors. Get the facts here

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