Friday, June 10, 2016

"The Elected Ones" Of Detroit Have Finally Adopted The Child Welfare Narrative

The Michigan House of Representatives, Republican controlled, has just crossed the line in the what I like to call the first stages of stripping civil rights.

The model comes straight out the child welfare privatization playbook.

It goes like this:  Gag 'em.

The Detroit Delegation of the Michigan House of Representatives were just denied the right of dissent.

Without dissent, there is no robust challenge in the course of time.  So far, at least 26 years, Lansing has been methodically, with the political parsimony of a skilled surgeon, craftily slicing away the rights of public challenge, with the sharpness of Occam's razor, by shifting the funding streams and removing the transfer of the public voice, the primary right of entry into society.

Michigan has been stripping voting rights, primary tenant of civil rights.

In child welfare, of which no one cares, there are no external audits nor is there any oversight authority.  Hell, the contractual arms even have, in some instances, governmental immunity.

There is no voice.  There is no challenge to improve, ergo, no dissent.

There are privacy laws and gag orders from the courts.

This is the first time I have ever seen this regarding public education.  As I have previously presented, Michgian is the socio-economic pilot policy model of the nation.  The majority of child welfare programming is already structured under privatization.

Governor John Engler was the first one to kick off privatizing child welfare services.  Public education is the last frontier for the socio-economic experiment.

At this juncture, the child welfare privatization model is already global and in play because there are no civil rights.

But, we now have a body of elected officials who are joining the movement of others in Detroit to actually do something for the people because it has now become extremely personal.

Detroit has the highest in rates of child poverty in North America for a major city.

It may be a bit late, but it is better than allowing privatization to progress.


Knowing fully well that this is primary election countdown, for whomever wins the Primary, automatically secures the General Election, being 99% Democratic, I hope to see the passion continue far after the swearing of office in 2017.

When I speak of passion, I do not hail from the school of cacophonous, religious locutions; I mean through a substantive obviation of an actual strategy.

This means working for us, and not for your lavish affairs.

My suggestion is to mobilize and do a constitutional challenge in the courts, launching a campaign to go after their funding, and I do not exclude campaign.

We are all over the world.

"The Elected Ones" know who to contact.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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