DETROIT ~ Today, Detroit City Council Candidate At-Large, Sigmunt Szczepkowski, Jr. filed challenge with the Wayne County Clerk's Office of Elections on the font size of the 2016 Primary Ballot.
On the ballot, City Council Candidate Szczepkowski's name is published in 9 font, while the names of the other candidates are in 10 font.
He went on to say, "By not adopting policies to use uniform fonts when publishing names on ballots, voters are disenfranchised by the failure to provide candidates with longer names equal font size. "
"The ballot clearly identifies these candidates as "smaller" which creates the visual perception of the candidate being less qualified for the office."
"This becomes political electioneering from Office of the Wayne County Clerk's Office and must be immediately addressed."
"We must come together to restore voting rights for all, including felons, an issue I have been advocating since 2005."
"We must also come together to ensure the rights of candidates to run for office in fair and unbiased elections."
Under Michigan law, a convicted felon had his/her rights substantially restored for purposes of federal law where his/her incarceration had ended; convicted felons right to vote, hold office and to serve on jury were restored automatically under Michigan law once incarceration had ended.
For more information, call me at 313-826-0540
Stay tuned...
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