Monday, February 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Called Minority Kids "Superpredators Who Must Be Brought To Heel"

As Secretary Hillary Clinton wishes to steer her campaign towards her work in child welfare, I find it
only proper to assist her in her endeavors.

Here is a clip from 1997, right around the time of the passage of the Adoption and Safe Families Act, where she refers to juveniles as "super-predators who must be brought to heel".

The term, "bring to heel" is from the command to make a dog closely follow its master.

It also means to compel someone to obey, to force someone into a submissive condition.

For those who are just now being exposed to the industry of child poverty, or rather child welfare, the Secretary is making reference to "targeted populations" and we all know this is in reference to those who hail from traditionally economic disenfranchised of the darker persuasion.

This was the political rhetoric that launched to the disparaging policies of juvenile justice and child welfare.

Just another little known moment in history to remember Black History Month.

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