Sunday, January 10, 2016

Maura Corrigan, Where Art Thou?

Dearest and Most Honorable Madame Maura Corrigan,

Your silence on the welfare of Flint's children is quite provocative as your inaction has become a cacophony of the litany of your self-righteous political platform.

As a former Director of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, a national advocate for child welfare services, and please note that I did not reference you as an advocate for children or their future well-being, I expected you, of all people, to provide comfort and relief to your protege Governor Rick Snyder via your marvelous mastery of telling lies about how wonderful child welfare is in our great state.

You have failed me, once again, Madame.

Alas, I shall readily become pressumptious by going out on a limb by saying you, as well, my lady, are under the scrutinous purview of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Either that, or you are crafting a pithy retort to quash all the fucked up things people are accusing your buddies of doing to the impoverished children and their families of Michigan through privatization.

I am quite sure you will get wind of my letter and I can only say to the successful sender, "Godspeed".

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