Wednesday, September 9, 2015

U.S. Judiciary Holds Ex-Parte Planned Parenthood Hearings, Child Welfare Fraud Style

Today, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee held hearing on Planned Parenthood allegedly selling fetal tissue for profit based upon heavily edited video which was submitted as evidence.

To begin, let's examine the title of the hearing:

“Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider”

Basically, the majority came up with what I call a "Pitchfork and Torch" title which lacks any sembelance of professionalism in an investigative body.

 It sounds like a first grader pointing the finger at someone who they think farted.

Exclusive video of U.S. House Republican Majority Judiciary Committee conducting Hearing with fraudulent evidence on Planned Parenthood allegedly selling fetal tissue for profit.  

Next, the majority of Judiciary Committee (this means it is Republican controlled) allowed the submission of fraudulent documentation into the record.

Then, Planned Parenthood was not even allowed to attend the hearings to provide testimony.  

Even more disturbing, Center for Medical Progress was not even allowed to attend to be cross examined.

It was at this moment when I had a revelation..  I have seen and heard this type of unparalleled jurisprudence before.  It is called child welfare.

In child welfare legal proceedings, more intuitively known as a child abuse and neglect case, one is:

        (1) "guilty until proven innocent", hence the title of the proceedings;

        (2)  through ex-parte proceedings, not allowed to show up at the hearing;

        (3)  not allowed to face their accusers;

        (4)  not allowed to examine the evidence.

If a corporation, in this instance, Planned Parenthood, is considered, statutorily, an individual person, then their civil rights were violated for not being allowed to participate in the hearing.

The only reason this has become an issue is there are private, corporate interests, under the guise of non-profit organizations, who want to get their hands on the Social Security Trust Fund for private investment of Wall Street through religious, tax-exempt, social welfare organizations.

Simply put, they want the public money, Medicaid, badly and will generate whatever fraudulent documentation while violating civil rights to get it.

This is a classic Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare scheme, just taken to the next level.

 Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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