Monday, September 14, 2015

Shaken Baby Syndrome Makes Millions

Junk science and the criminalization of poverty have destroyed so many lives, particularly in a system in which one is guilty until proven innocent.

Once again, this is just anotther example of the criminalizaion of poverty because state laws will prosecute the doctors who are mandated reporters even if it is contrary to the science of their medical profession.


It is a multi-billion dollar industrial complex and there are no civil rights in child welfare.

In child welfare, organizations advocating for child protection generate millions of dollars every year to lobby for their cause, whether or not that cause is legitimate or not.

Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Diagnosis That Divides the Medical World

The videos with this article are part of a documentary series presented by The New York Times. The video project was started with a grant from Christopher Buck. Retro Reporthas a staff of 13 journalists and 10 contributors led by Kyra Darnton. It is a nonprofit video news organization that aims to provide a thoughtful counterweight to today’s 24/7 news cycle. Previous episodes are at To suggest ideas for future reports, email

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