Monday, September 7, 2015

Miranda Rights Do Not Exist In Child Welfare

The issue with CPS Agents asking questions evolves around a simple issue of civil rights.

It is the right off all individuals, borrowing from the Miranda Rights Doctrine, that "you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you."

CPS targets vulnerable populations, or, more specifically, populations where they are poor and are not sophistocated in the legal profession.

As one is considered "guilty until proven innocent" in child welfare, the concept of a charge is civil, futhering the notion, or rather unwritten policy, that there is no need for civil protections as, typically, there is an anonymous report of abuse or neglect already on file.

The solution I offer is to have everyone approach your state elected officials with support of community organizations to force lawmakers to introduce the same civil rights protections as are in Miranda v. Arizona.

As it stands, there are no civil rights in child welfare.

Understanding a CPS Agents Questioning Techniques

Not to be mean or anything, but the problem is not that social workers railroad parents, it's that the parents let them and until you parents understand that, you will continue to be railroaded by CPS.  The CPS Agent will take full advantage of your ignorance and if you don't know your rights they will do so with your permission. 

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1 comment:

Defend Yourself said...

Then to complicate things, the Supreme Court threw in this little decision>>>