Friday, January 9, 2015

When Politics Becomes Child Abuse

When logic no longer exists in a political debate, launch an ad hominen attack.

When that fails, attack a child.

This is what extreme conservatives are doing on the internet.

Tea Partiers Unleash Torrent Of Racist Hatred At Malia Obama Over T-Shirt

Attacking a child, particularly on the internet, is child abuse.

These attacks are fully disclosed with a poster's name and insidious remarks which are preserved in the annals of history, in the Library of Congress.

This is child abuse and should be reported immediately.

Now, is the time for the anti-child abuse organizations to launch an educational campaign to report such activity.

Now is the time for the #DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) to address the need to protect children from this onslaught of economic, educational and cyberattacks.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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