Michigan former DHS Director Madame Corrigam

Under the guise of sanctimonious righteousness, children have been raped, brutally beaten, starved and drugged to the point of hospitalization. Many children have attempted suicide, multiple times.

Some have even succeeded.

Foster children are having children in foster care, who are then taken from the mothers and put in separate foster care placements.
But the glorious Madame Maura Corrigan made sure the public knew nothing about this.

Covering up federal fraudulent billing, judicial lobbying and legislating from the bench have been the norm under the leadership of the Madame, but alas, the public was never made privy of these common practices, either.

The Madame leaves, by seemingly abdicating her role as the stalwart public servant for children, to Kate Thoresen, evident by this whitewashed op-ed.

Madame departs leaving the state with a road map to shift the responsibility of state oversight to the actual contracted overseers, which just so happen to be religious-based non-profits.

No one is held accountable for the harm done to children in care of the state, ever.

Families and children who have had their constitutional rights violated have absolutely no legal recourse as they are poor and attorneys cost money.

Poverty is not a crime and families should not be prosecuted under the standard "guilty until proven innocent", being poorly represented by court appointed attorneys who have not been properly trained nor really care.

These Faith-based initiatives are nothing more than another scheme to further the revenue maximization in the wake of Medicaid expansion.

I prefer the term Medicaid fraud in child welfare as non-profits are excluded and exempted from audits.

If Reverend Thoreson possess the sincere desire to continue advocating for Michigan's children, she would do best to allow all stakeholders to participate in these discussions, this includes myself, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The only legacy Madame Corrigan has left has been one of beautifully orchestrating legal and policy moves, in the name of God, to keep the state from loosing hundreds of millions in federal funding.

The time has come to audit God, for the sake of Michigan's future.

Reverend Thoreson, I look forward to working with you in 2015, whether you want me or not.

I will make sure to send you an advanced, signed copy of my book.

It will be a page turner.

#Time2AuditGod #Michigan #fostercare #childwelfare #adoption #medicaidfraud #DOJ #HHSOIG #beverlytran #MauraCorrigan #KateThoreson
