Thursday, July 18, 2013

Michigan Medicaid Policy Expansion For Parents and Children

Despite the failures of the State Legislature to approve the Medicaid Expansion of the Affordable Care Act, State Administrators are moving forward to implement the international classification of diseases.

Under the guidance, there will be more programming and services for families with special needs children.

Why this expansion is so important is threefold:

First, social policy is shifting from government intervention of child protection which has proven itself to not ineffective to providing more ongoing services which were only accessible once a child protection case was opened.  In essence, it is no longer a stigma to as for help for disabilities.

Secondly, implementing an international classifications for purposes of cost reimbursements will significantly reduce fraud, waste and abuse.

Lastly, jobs and research are created to improve the economy and qualify of life.  Besides, this is a whole lot cheaper than the current programs and policies.
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