Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Unlike Canada, United States Has No Laws Advocating For Children and Families With Disabilities

VELVET MARTIN (Unsung Heroine, Advocate for Children with Disabilities)

When Velvet’s daughter Samantha was born with severe disabilities, she was taken away by the provincial government and put into foster care. But it was that moment that Velvet began her fight for the rights of disabled children and their parents.
In 2007, the provincial government passed “Samantha’s Law,” which gave parents of a disabled child the right to raise that child themselves and have access to the government services they need. This law has gained the attention of other provinces and countries, who wish to model their own laws after it.
Sadly, Samantha died in 2006 at the age of 13 after suffering cardiac arrest. But Velvet’s fight will continue.

Now it is time the United States has similar laws.

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