Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hamtramck Kids Poverty Highest In The Nation

There are multiple variables which have produced such high rates of poverty for school age children.  Here is a list of identifiable assumptions:

  • The City of Hamtramck has at least 30 recognizable languages due to the high rate of immigrant population.

  • The City economy is mainly based on small businesses with extremely limited job opportunities.

  • There is a large population with cognitive and psychological developmental disabilities.

  • There are limited community resources.
Who is to blame?  Ask your elected officials.  Who has solutions?  Ask me.

What's the poverty rate for children in your school district? Search this database

Hamtramck Public Schools had one of the highest school-age poverty rates (65%) in 2011, according to estimates released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. Nine Michigan districts have school-age poverty rates estimated at greater than 50%.
Nationwide, about 20.8% of children ages 5 to 17 live in families in poverty. In Michigan, the percentage is slightly higher (22.4%).

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