Friday, September 14, 2012

Michigan Being Held Accountable For Child Welfare Fraud

Where is Bill Johnson?  Perhaps Maura Corrigan took the Michigan Children's Institute and hid it the basement of the Department of Human Service organizational chart's proverbial root cellar.

See, Michigan DHS fails to disclose everything.  From chain of commend to decision making authority, DHS will hide and shred.  Yes, Michigan Department of Human Services shreds documents.  The reason is to hide the dead bodies.

Yes, children have died under the legal authority of DHS, but that is never discussed in public.  Too bad there is no way to calculate the number of children in foster care who have committed suicide or have attempted suicide.  But I digress.

There is more to this complaint that what has been realized.  This is classic Medicaid fraud.  This is proof of false claims.

I would like everyone to take the time to read some to the details of this complaint and see, first hand, how Michigan treats the children in its care and cloaks the ones in authority who allow it to happen.

Bill Johnson is the man who grants or withholds the grant of consent to adoption, who is the legal guardian for over 7,000 children.  He [as of 2010 Michigan shoved new law to cover up and expand the cover up of adoption decisions to MCI cronies] is omnipotent yet needs to be held responsible for allowing these children to suffer.

Bill Johnson, Bruce Hoffman and Mary Rossman of MCI need to be enjoined in this suit of law.

Steve Yager is just a piece of shit. What I mean by this is he takes the lives of humans, masticates any semblance of a person's dignity, digests a child's hope of peace, defecates the end results of foster care, wipes it all over his face and promulgates in public how wonderful the child welfare system is working. (Please note this is my personal perception of this man and would greatly appreciate if my descriptive of his character and job performance was delivered directly to him.)

All these individuals need to be criminally prosecuted but nothing will happen.  HHS will come to another audit where they will applaud Michigan for continuing to cover up its fraud so well.

Children's Rights will have a guilt complex and punk out on pushing violations of the settlement agreement against Michigan.  Instead, it will recommend releasing Michigan from federal monitoring.

And is all goes well, SCOTUS will make sure foster kids have no civil rights.  That way everything stays the same.

The only reason the public does not have more of these cases is because there are relatively very few attorneys in the state who are willing to jeopardize their future career in law taking on one of such cases.  Even though you will read gut wrenching horror stories of how Michigan treated these children, you will witness the state fight tooth and nail to dismiss the case.

I commend David A. Kallman for doing this.
Federal Complaint vs Michigan DHS
The reason I am so moved by this filing is because it tells the story of what goes on in Michigan child welfare.  It tells my story I live with every day.

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