Monday, April 30, 2012

Michigan Data Discredit Maura Corrigan

I strongly encourage everyone in Michigan to take a moment of your time and actually read this report.

In this report, there are all the factors which have led to the low birth weight, infant mortality, and other Medicaid costs which are result of not believing that children are our most precious treasures.

All I know is Maura Corrigan is probably quite miffed at the fact that these data are contrary to her administrative philosophy in the Department of Human Services.

After you have read this, do me a favor, tell Madame Corrigan that I am on a mission...Kids Count Michigan 2012 Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this lady maybe on her way out the door. Its about money for her and that's it. Shame on Madman corrigan.