Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Child Welfare Fraud Is Above The Law

When reporting child welfare fraud, mainly Medicaid fraud, go to a brick wall and scream until you are blue in the face then pour yourself a stiff drink because that is just about all that will happen when you report Medicaid fraud in child welfare to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General Health Care Fraud Enforcement Task Force.


Because the Secretary, Daniel Levinson is the one who authorizes the States Medicaid Fraud Control Units which will not do shit about Medicaid fraud in child welfare because it protects its contractual fraudfeasors.

So, as you watch this federal compliance training video, sit back and get ready for a comedy of frauds because child welfare fraud is above the law.

Simply put, even if you are caught, nothing will ever happen to you.  No prison.  No payback.  Alll at taxpayer expense.

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