Friday, May 27, 2011

Detroit Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Fraud

Out of the darkest of Detroit comes a light.  I have found a blogger of power within the confines of Detroit child welfare which I strongly encourage everyone, throughout the world, to take the time and visit to taste the reality of child welfare fraud.

The details of the documented information are very well packaged in a timeline fashion to allow the reader to experience each, unbelievable event of fraud, unfold.

What gives his site credibility is that I formally endorse it.  I know these people and this blogger speaks the truth.

Child welfare fraud extends further than foster care and child support.  It treacherous tentacles are far reaching, deep into the bowels of all federally funded grant programs as there is no oversight, and now, with the recent ruling of SCOTUS, the ability to stop this type of harm against children would be wiped clean from the play books, allowing more "charitable" organizations to profit off the lives of children.

I have argued this for years.  Lyke Thompson does not like me.  He has endorsed and advocated for these lead abatement programs in Detroit for decades despite the fact that fraud runs rampant.

One of the little schemes goes like this:

A city does not ensure federal grant funding is being used for lead programs for children.  As a result, there is little done to assist the targeted population, children in lead contained living.  Children physically react to lead presenting high levels of cognitive and emotional developmental challenges, high rates of autism, and illiteracy.

Then, you have prominent researchers and organizations support the city's position with absolutely suspect and corrupt data, literally.

Poverty, being to root cause of lead poisoning in children, opens the doors for child protective services as lead poisoning and lead contained environments are classified as failure to protect and failure to provide the necessary needs of the child, which are legal definitions of child abuse and neglect.

Pharmaceutical Companies swoop in to promote the mental health component, encouraging more psychotic medication to be provided to children.  Children, under the auspices of the state are legal lab rats and Medicaid is billed, falsely and fraudulently, drugging children.

Child welfare agencies will launch child abuse awareness fundraising campaigns and the pervasive cycle of fraud will pick up more steam with the child abuse propaganda.

The model can be transposed to any city.  This just so happens to be Detroit.

Go get 'em!

Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur!

Detroit Lead Czar Whistleblower Lawsuit

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