Friday, April 29, 2011

Emergency Financial Manager: Every Corporation Should Hire A Child

Why is the issue of Michigan's Emergency Financial Manager (EMF) Law relevant to child welfare?  Because it is part of the oxymoronic politics which is sullying the current political climate of change....for the better.

If the state can declare, by any arbitrary and capricious reasoning, that you are not fit to parent, then, of course, logic will present itself that the state can apply the exact same standards to take over cities and schools.

If the state can bust up the union of a family by snatching babies to stick them in foster care to maximize revenues of the state , then the state can bust up labor unions by snatching dollars off the hourly contractually negotiated wages, stick it in their pockets and maximize their revenues.

Tit for tat.  The theory of the game.

If the concept of an emergency financial manager was so prudent, then, allow me to posit this:

How come there is no provision in this new law for an EM in state departments or agencies?

See, I would go with the flow on this one if appointed officials were included in the mix.  See, an appointed official takes an oath of office where that oath is filed in the great repository of the Secretary of State.  When the appointed official does not execute the duties of office, and the department or agency falls into a dysfunctional disarray, the mechanisms of the EM should kick in and allow an autonomous and independent entity, preferably from the Office of Management and Budget, to step in and do what is detailed in the EM law.  This would include sharing of resources, mergers with other programs, etc.  Catch my drift?

Let me give you a living, breathing example for the argument in support of the EM with appointed officials with the State of Michigan:

Michigan's child welfare system is so jacked up, Governor Rick Snyder put together a task force to examine why it is so.  What the Governor did was to appoint the same fraudfeasing imbeciles who were responsible for the dysfunction and financial mess [Medicaid fraud and false claims] in child welfare to examine and make recommendations to fix it.

1.  Does Snyder fire the appointed idiots?  


2.  Does he appoint an emergency financial manager to clean up the messes that have been growing since the beginning of child welfare in Michigan?


3. Will the Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and its other enforcement divisions step in and do what he is paid to do and prosecute and recovery the fraudulent claims and reimbursements in child welfare?

ANSWER:  Hell No.

4. Who watches the watcher?

ANSWER: The watcher.

So, there you have it.  The State of Michigan will do what it wants, when it wants.  While the rest of the state, or perhaps just these municipalities are focused on fighting for survival, whether it is right or wrong, the EM law is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to distract the masses as the corporations prepare for the unveiling of their next phase of its revenue-maximization scheme: CHILD LABOR LAW

There is no due process nor equal protection under the law when you are a child.  Now they, the state and corporations, have joined forces and it is not through a quasi-governmental organization.  The union of the state and corporations have now given birth to the Emergency Financial Manager.

Poverty as a crime has been taken to a whole new level.

CRC Webinar on PA 4 of 2011 from Citizens Research Council Michig on Vimeo.

Citizen Research Council of Michigan Emergency Financial Manager Law Report

1 comment:

Katherine Cherry said...

Beverly Tran describes my life, those of my neighbors, and the parents in our movement with the painful precision that the ruthless governmental social service impacts have had.

"If the state can declare, by any arbitrary and capricious reasoning, that you are not fit to parent, then, of course, logic will present itself that the state can apply the exact same standards to take over cities and schools.

Poverty as a crime has been taken to a whole new level."