Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AstraZeneca Seroquel - The blockbuster drug scandal & crimes that won't go away!

AstraZeneca Seroquel - The blockbuster drug scandal & crimes that won't go away!

AstraZeneca Seroquel - The blockbuster drug scandal & crimes that won't go away!

Ever wonder how an "anti-psychotic" drug has become a five & one half billion dollar a year blockbuster. How an anti-psychotic drug is one of the biggest selling & most profitable drugs sold today in America. How a schizophrenia drug supposedly designed to treat less than 1% of the population is now one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world?

If you thought a 520 million dollar sweetheart deal with the DOJ over AstraZeneca's criminal practices wasn't enough, or an estimated 20,000 lawsuits for health damage & death caused by AstraZeneca's Seroquel wasn't enough; The story is just beginning to unfold with more clarity as the doors of truth slowly are opening to shine light upon AstraZeneca's Seroquel.

A new light is now being shined at upon the FDA & AstraZeneca, as they continue their profitable "smoke & mirrors" job focused with a deadly and insurmountable cost to American veterans, the elderly, our general population, and most painful of all; our children .

1 boring old man blog is doing a great in-depth series on AstraZeneca's Seroquel, the manipulation that went into the approval, and criminal marketing of this deeply tainted drug. This is an absolute must read for everyone that has any interest in how corrupt and criminal the pharmaceutical industry has become.

seroquel I: introduction to an “atypical”…
seroquel II: phase IIIa…
seroquel II [version 2.0]: guessing…
seroquel III: their best shot…
seroquel IV: ooching…
seroquel V: through the looking glass…
seroquel VI: the fda finale…
seroquel VI: an mid-course interlude…
seroquel VIII: sins of ommission…
seroquel IX: weighty matters…
seroquel X: matters cerebral Serebral…
seroquel XI: through a glass darkly…
seroquel XII: an opinionated postscript…
and the series continues on.......

Then there is some even more disturbing news coming from author Robert Whitaker's Blog @ Psychology Today http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america

Why was this information hidden from the public for so long? What did Big Pharma & FDA know and hide? Why is the FDA not banning these drugs for use in children? Those are questions we must demand answers too now.

It's way past time to say "I'm Mad as Hell, & I'm not going to take it anymore"@ your elected representatives. It's past time to demand real accountability for the crimes being perpetrated against our citizenry by mega international pharmaceutical corporations. The time has come to end the profitable & deadly "business as usual" model employed by these corporations to avoid criminal prosecution.

Andreasen Drops A Bombshell: Antipsychotics Shrink the Brain

(take note of the comment section)

Want to know more....feel free to go back through the archives on this blog using search terms AstraZeneca or Seroquel....

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