Monday, November 29, 2010

Michigan Medicaid Central Registry of Child Welfare Fraud

This is Michigan's final department review (FDR) for Bridges policy effective April 1, 2011.  This bulletin 105 pages long.
The due date for review comments is on or before December 20 for CDC and December 30 for Medicaid. 
FDR provides you with a mechanism to review and comment on policy before it is implemented.  While it is not mandatory for everyone to submit comments, we would like to know that you have received and reviewed the bulletin and manual items.  If you do not have any comments after reviewing the policy, you may submit a return email to that effect. 
If you do have comments you may submit them in two ways:
Submit a return email citing the item, page and paragraph with your suggested comments or attach a letter or memo containing your suggestions to a return email. (We use Microsoft Word.)

Print out specific pages you would like to comment on and submit pen & ink changes through the mail.  Please be sure to include the FDR cover sheet (DHS-311) along with your name, agency and contact information.

Department of Human Services
235 S. Grand Ave.
P.O. Box 30037
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Michigan Final Department Clearance Review (FDR) for April 2011 Bridges Medicaid Policy

Major policy change has been proposed in the area of the Central Registry to determine eligibility of Child Care payments.

From my assessment, it looks as if Michigan is using the Central Registry as a LEIE database.  This exclusionary databases registers ineligible contractors for Medicaid reimbursements.  The proposed Medicaid policy seriously takes ending fraud, waste and abuse into consideration.

It is a start but at least Michigan is listening to me.

The Central Registry of Child Welfare Fraud!
For many years the Congress of the United States has worked diligently to protect the health and welfare of the nation's elderly and poor by implementing legislation to prevent certain individuals and businesses from participating in Federally-funded health care programs. Legally Kidnapped has mandated that the health and welfare of the nation's children and families must  be protected by including Child Welfare Agencies in this exclusion database.  Foster Care and Adoption Agencies should be banned from entering contracts using federal funds if the bases for exclusion have been met.

Bases for exclusion include for child welfare program-related fraud, child abuse, child deaths, licensing board actions, improper and questionable claims, false reports.

The effect of not being able to participate in federally funded contracts is:

No payment will be made by any Federal child welfare program for any items or services furnished, ordered, or prescribed by an excluded individual or entity. Federal foster care and adoption programs include Medicaid Targeted Case Management Social Security Title IV A, B, D, and E, Maternal and Child Health Services, Block Grant (Title V), Block Grants to States for Social Services (Title XX), State Children's Health Insurance (Title XXI) and all other plans and programs that provide health benefits for foster care and adoption funded directly or indirectly by the United States.

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