Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Everyone Must Keep The Secret

Even foster parents and social workers are gagged when it comes to discussing what goes on behind the iron curtain of child welfare.

Shhhhh....it's a secret.

Addressing the issue

I have had several comments and more than a few emails lately about going back to writing my foster care/social worker posts. I'm going to address this one time right now and then I will not be answering the question again because of the cease and desist order that is still in effect.
At this time I cannot write any posts that deal with foster care and/or social work. I cannot reference children that we cared for or clients that I dealt with. Period. If I choose to ignore the cease and desist order, either directly or indirectly, I can be held in contempt of court. I can be charged with a crime, I can be prohibited from ever working in social work again. I can be sued by the families of former foster children and former clients with whom I worked. I could even possibly face jail time if the judge is having a particularly bad day.
It's not by my choice. A judge issued the cease and desist order and until that order is rescinded, my hands are legally tied. I do not know when or even if I will ever be able to go back to writing about foster care. Maybe never. So for now and for the foreseeablefuture, this is a family blog about my family and my kids. If you were only here for the foster care/adoption/social work posts then I'm really sorry.
It is what it is.

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