Monday, October 4, 2010

How Powerful Is The Platform

At times, it takes a prestigious name to get people to listen, but it takes a much more powerful platform to carry the message:

Dear Mr Wexler

In regards to your expert media consulting service in articles such as the following...
Study: Why Child Abuse Investigations Don't Help Kids

Child welfare agencies have a thankless task: investigate reports of child maltreatment and determine, first, whether they are true or false, then whether more damage will be done by a) leaving children in a potentially harmful environment, or b) ripping them away from the only parents they know and placing them in a new family that may or may not be better.
I would like to ask you why you never acknowledge the criminal element within the child welfare system? I am not disagreeing with your interpretation of incompetence, inadequate funding, lack of training, on the part of the United States Child Protective Industry, but you never mention the fact that a lot of these people are simply criminals.

Seeing how you are the Child Protective Industries spokesman for Child Welfare Reform, and considered a national expert on the subject, as well as the one the reporters call whenever they need a perceived oppositional statement from a so called expert, perhaps it's time you acknowledge that which a good many of us already know.

The system is fraught with fraud.

Wexler thinks that much of the problem with CPS has to do with the way families are approached when trouble arises. “It's almost always a cookie-cutter 'service plan' requiring lots and lots of 'counseling' and 'parent education' while the actual problems of poverty are ignored. So the 'services' only add more burdens to this family,” he says.

See, I'm really not disagreeing with you here, I'm just curious as to why you seem to think that they all actually try to help families, when in reality a good many of them are looking for ways to undermined the family and any excuse that they can use to remove the child.

I'm just curious.

Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built In Early Childhood

Stop Medicaid fraud in child welfare.

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